================================Author Info=================================== Title : WOOOOO!!!.map Author : McBain Email Address : MrTeenie@AOL.com Description : I wanted a level where u could fly around and stuff ala LA Jetpack(Rumble). Falling a long way is tons of fun and u can do that in this level....just make sure u fall in water. This level was also created for jetpack boys McGarnicle and Dark Helmet. Files included : WOOOOO!!!.MAP WOOOOO!!!.TXT Additional Credits to : TEN, 3dRealms, McGarnicle, Lazer, DarkHelmet, stonemann RocketBoy, MrBonus, Agony(aka Belial, the coolest of the cool), TaskyM, Zozimov, Lets-Play, BishSht and AwwSht, Rards, Tasc, MEBEBAD, Verocity, Ice Wolf, Don Knotts, Pepito "the biggest cat in the whole wide world", Homer J, MrT, the California Highway Patrol, Slick Checker Productions, 2RAGE!!!!, and a different perspective on the assault/stealth genre levels that r getting really boring.... ..............OH YA!!!!ENDLESS AGONY and the greatest series of .maps ever, the AGONY!!!series....and of course my bestest buddy on TEN, Storoth, and his newborn son, Storoth Jr:). and that great combination of MrT and Et.. "I pity the fool who don't "...."hehehehe, I'd hate to b MrT right now." -HomerJ Other levels I've made : This is only the second I've completed out of many. ============================================================================== ** Play Information ** Level # : User Map Single Player : mmmmmm, no Cooperative 2-8 Player : mmmmmm, no Dukematch 2-8 Player : Hells Ya!!!(ala myself) Difficulty Settings : mmmmmm, No Monsters : mmmmmm, No New Graphics : mmmmmm, No New Music : mmmmmm, No New Sound FX : mmmmmm, No Demos Replaced : None ** Build Information ** Base : From scratch Build time : Two days Editors used : BUILD.EXE Known Bugs : Nope ** Copyright / Permissions ** Authors MAY NOT use WOOOOO!!!.MAP as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute WOOOOO!!!.MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute WOOOOO!!!.MAP in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact. You MAY include WOOOOO!!!.MAP in any compilation. You may not alter the level in any way except the minor change of the MAP number.